Bad News Hoos

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3rd Year CS Major Unable to Graduate After Required Class Instantly Fills Up

Patrick Henry - April 10, 2023 - academics

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Zoe, a 3rd year CS major, was devastated today to find that a class required for her major has already reached capacity. As such, she will be unable to graduate with a CS degree from UVA.

“I’m not even sure what the point of me being here is anymore,” said Zoe, who was only available for an interview via Zoom and refused to turn her camera on, “this class is only offered in the Fall and I figured I could just hold off until fourth year to take it. Now it looks like I’ll be doing IT for my dad’s chiropractor practice instead.”

Sources close to Zoe say she has been advised to switch her major to Environmental Thought and Practice, which she will likely be able to finish in a single semester.