Opinion: Midterms Should be Held in the Middle of the Term
Richard Henry Lee - April 19, 2023 - academics
As students gear up for their tenth week of midterms, some are beginning to question the current academic system.
“I don’t even care anymore,” said third-year Brian, “tests used to make me feel something. But now? Nothing.” Brian is not alone. The never ending onslaught of tests for UVA students is leading to the all too common phenomenon known as “test desensitization.”
Let’s take a look at the etymology of the word midterm. “Mid” comes from old English, meaning “being at or near the middle point of”. “Term” comes from the Latin “Terminus”, meaning “a fixed or limited time period for which something is intended to last.” It then seems to follow trivially that a midterm exam should take place sometime in March, even the beginning of April or end of February is acceptable. A midterm which takes place on April 28 is not a midterm at all, but merely an “exam” or “test”.