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In Shocking Development, Entire Sorority Pledge Class Fits onto Single Veo Scooter

Patrick Henry - April 16, 2022 - greek-life

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Late last night, an entire sorority pledge class was seen riding a single Veo scooter down Rugby Road before crashing just as they passed Mad Bowl.

"I've never seen anything like it," says Brian, who was walking back from Trin at the time. "I thought I saw a car coming at me so I stepped out of the way, but as it came closer I realized it was a Veo stacked 20 feet high with girls. They veered off the road and almost hit me. There must have been 30 or 40 of them, I could've been killed."

In a statement released this morning, the CEO of Veo said she is "amazed at the structural integrity of the scooters" and is "looking into how to monetize the event."