Bad News Hoos

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Student Shot by Librarian After Sneezing in Clem 2

Patrick Henry - September 20, 2022 - academics

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It’s Midterm Season, and with it comes the semesterly migration of students to Clem 2 for all of their studying needs. Unfortunately, one first year wasn’t aware of the strict “No Sneezing” policy in place during midterms, and paid the ultimate price.

“It’s a shame” said Cara, the librarian who pulled the trigger. “It’s not the most glamorous part of the job, but I take pride in upholding the order of this library. He should’ve taken a Zyrtec.”

This incident brings the total Midterm death count up to 3 this semester, after a second year forget to silence her phone during an exam and a third year didn’t turn his paper in by the end of the period.